Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eclipse. Show all posts

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Will Eisner's John Law: Detective #1 (Eclipse Comics 1983)

Being an Eisner fan, especially of the Spirit, I searched for this particular one-shot published by Eclipse for years, finally running across a copy of it a few weeks back at a local flea market for 50 cents. Basically rehashed Spirit stories....and that, my friends, in the hands of Eisner is not a bad thing at all.

Eclipse Comics’ 1983 one-shot John Law, Detective treats readers to three action-packed adventure mysteries produced in 1948 by comics master Will Eisner. Perhaps the John Law stories were considered too close to Eisner’s more famous detective creation, The Spirit, to see publication in their own day. Indeed, Eisner eventually reused the John Law material in several classic Spirit stories, including the famous “Half-Dead Mr. Lox.” For whatever reason, the publisher went as far as to shoot stats for John Law then let the project languish at the bottom of a file cabinet until it was unearthed nearly 35 years later by intrepid Eisner devotee Cat Yronwode. The result is like finding a complete unreleased Beatles album from 1966 or a lost Orson Welles film—a rare look at a masterwork from a creator at the absolute peak of his powers.

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The Spider: Master of Men (Eclipse 1991-1992)

I'm a junkie for masked pulp heroes, so when these mini-series came out in the early 1990s, I snagged them immediately. 'Course, having become a fan of Tim Truman's work and following it from SCOUT to AIRBOY to HAWKWORLD helped matters, as well...



Sunday, January 31, 2010

Airboy #1-#12 (Eclipse Comics, 1986)

When I was a kid in the 1980s, I was a huge fan of Chuck Dixon and Tim Truman's revamp of the old Golden Age property AIRBOY. Recently, I learned that Moonstone Graphics had acquired the license to do the character and eagerly await any new material that may be coming from them. This news prompted me to break out my old copies of the series (which ran for 50 issues, as well as a few spin-off mini-series and one shots) and re-read them....and, even though they are a nice slice of 1980s late Cold War era military action, they still hold up pretty well today. Good stuff...

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